We are the land of enchantment (theme park anyone), magic is reality (what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas), and Photo Shop is on deck to become an Oscar category. Enchantment holds no borders though and the story was heralded in all corners of the earth via social media and internet news sources. The fairy tale grew with its own Mobile Game. If Kim Kardashian can have one, why not a weasel? Memes suggested many others might want to catch the next woodpecker flight. And undoubtedly, the trendsetting hashtag #weaselpecker will continue to be a Twitter favorite. Lest you think it hasn’t been set to song, you’d be wrong. Take a listen and enjoy these toe tapping Impromptu Weasel Songs. Our world news cycle is rife with upheaval. The fact that we were distracted with a real-life Lewis Carroll character speaks to our need for levity. The woodpecker escaped with its life, the weasel was celebrated for its sheer audacity and quite a few us enjoyed the reminder that Mother Nature’s creativity eclipses even the best internet gurus. Let it live in infamy, the amazing moment when a weasel flies on the back of a woodpecker. Featured photo credit: Martin Le-May via cnn.com

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