This is the time where we, the Lifehack editors weigh in to show you just how many inches and pounds that we have lost during the last 7 days and what our experience was during that time. We have gone a full 4 weeks since the beginning of the Lifehack Editors’ Fitness Challenge and we all know what that means; if we stuck to the plan for a full 30 days, the chances of us making this a habit is greatly increased. So, how did we do? Take a look at our last week below.
CM’s Take
I’m very happy because this was the week that I finally made it below 200 lbs! I haven’t seen this weight for at least 4–5 years with 192 lbs being my lowest “adult” weight. So, it’s pretty awesome that I made it this far. My strength training regime is getting pretty intense as I have increase the weight yet again on all of my lifts. I have also increased the number reps per exercise. In 1 month I’ve gone from doing 20 second planks to just over 60 seconds. It sure does hurt, but it shows me that I am physically getting stronger. Since the beginning of the challenge of added 40 pounds to my squats and 20 pounds to my overhead DB presses. I’m feel super energized and can’t wait to keep moving forward with my fitness goals. Eating has been OK, but I could probably cut some sugar out of my diet as I tend to eat more fruit and processed peanut butter than I need to (peanut butter is my downfall). I’ve tryed to switch over to freshly ground almond butter, but I need to lay off that type of food a little more. Other than that I have cut out a ton of horrible food in my diet and have made a huge change in the past 4 weeks. I’ve completely given up on running, mostly because I hate it, and as Lifehack contributor Clint Cora keeps reminding us, we need to make sure that we do activities that we like. I like bicycling, so I have been doing that for 30 minutes every other day and am up to 6.5 miles in 30 minutes. Not too shabby. Here are my stats (starting measurements are in parentheses):
Tale of the Tape: CM Smith
Weight: 198.2 lbs (208) Waist: 42 inches (43.5) Hips: 41.25 inches (43) Biceps (flexed): 14.25 inches (14) Legs (mid-thigh): 23 inches (23.5) Total inches: 120.5 inches (124)
Mike’s Take
Why is my take appearing after CM’s for the first time since we took on this challenge? Simply put…he won. I could say that the timing of the challenge was a problem for me. I could say that eating properly and maintain an exercise routine while traveling is virtually impossible. I could say that I was far too busy to give this challenge the attention it deserved. I could say all of that…and they would be excuses. I’m not saying I didn’t accomplish anything during the last four weeks. In fact, I did learn quite a bit. I learned that I was eating too much fast food, and even while traveling I cut back significantly on that. I learned that making a public proclamation may not be enough for me to commit to working out regularly and eating better; perhaps I need a trainer. But those things paled in comparison to what I learned over the course of this past weekend as my wife not only took on — but completed — a Tough Mudder challenge. I learned that I really, really want to be able to do something like that myself. I have all of the tools at my disposal. I know I have willpower to tap into because I use it regularly to exercise my writing muscles. I just need to apply it to getting fit and eating a more balanced diet. I have to take the time to make it happen so that I can make the time to make it happen. I may not have fared too well this past month, but this challenge instilled a mindset in me that compels me to get in better shape. So while I didn’t win the Lifehack Editor’s Challenge, I certainly didn’t lose it either. Here are my stats (starting measurements are in parentheses):
Tale of the Tape: Mike Vardy
Weight: 180.2 lbs (177.4 lbs) Waist: 35.6 inches (35.75 inches) Hips: 40.1 inches (41.75 inches) Biceps (flexed): 12.8 inches (12.5 inches) Legs (mid-thigh): 21.3 inches (21 inches) Total inches: 109.8 inches (111 inches)
Did you take on this challenge? How do you stay motivated to keep up with your fitness routines? What do you need to keep at it? Let us know in the comments…and thanks for following us during this journey. Who knows? We may provide updates again down the line, so stay tuned. (Photo credit: People running in city marathon via Shutterstock)