It’s too easy to think of creativity as just being reserved for musicians, artists and writers. In reality, creativity can be used in all jobs and in all areas of life. I’m referring to creative traits such as thinking outside the box, finding new solutions to old problems, and combining two ideas to invent a new one. For example, think of Henry Ford. He gave people automobiles, when at that time, they probably just wanted faster horses! And, then there is Elon Musk. He found a workable solution to the problem of congested roads in towns and cities — the Hyperloop! This is an underground tunnel system that is designed to connect major conurbations using clean, ultra-fast capsules that can carry passengers, cars and freight. In the case of cars — Musk envisages elevators taking the cars down to the tunnel system. Ingenious. As a final example, I want to tell you about Saltwater Brewery in Florida. They’ve created six-pack rings that are edible by marine life. So instead of the six-pack rings ending up in the ocean and killing sea creatures, these rings actually feed them. They’re made from the by-products of beer brewing, and contain either barley or wheat, and are not just safe for fish to eat — but humans can eat them too! Let’s turn now to see how improving your creativity can improve your life.

Creativity Will Improve Your Outlook

As a Psychology Today article reveals, people who practice everyday creativity (like finding new ways to work, preparing meals and solving crosswords) share personality traits with those we regard as ‘genuinely’ creative, such as: artists, designers and musicians.[1] The shared traits include:

Curiosity Drive Open-mindedness Persistence Positivity

Some studies also suggest that people who regularly indulge in creative pursuits are less judgmental and more flexible. It’s no wonder then, that there is a proven link between creativity and enhanced mental health (this could be due to creative thinkers’ superior problem-solving skills).[2] I hope I’ve said enough to convince you that exploring your creative side can improve your outlook on life. So what’s the best way to get creative?  Boost your confidence. When you have ample self-confidence, you won’t be afraid to try new things and to break out of your comfort zone. Both of these things will put you in touch with your inner creative genie — who’s just waiting to work their magic on your behalf! But, how can you boost your confidence?  …by constantly facing and overcoming challenges.

Creativity Will Increase Opportunities

Creative individuals often notice more opportunities in life. How come? Because they’ve learned how to find a way to turn any obstacle into an opportunity by tackling it from another angle. They’re also more likely to SEE the opportunity in the first place, just by having an open mind; whereas someone who is not tapping into their creativity may miss these hidden opportunities.  For example, one of my friends recently lost his job as a senior administrator for an insurance company. He’d worked there for more than 10 years, and although he wasn’t excited by the job, it paid his bills. When he was told that his job was to go, he was initially shocked and knocked off track. However, my friend is a resilient and creative soul, and within a few days, he’d formulated a plan to not only secure a new job, but also to make a positive change in his career. He did this by taking his administrator skills and his deep knowledge of finance and insurance and turning himself into a business consultant. It’s still early days for him, but he’s already secured several clients, and I predict his new career will be a happy and successful one. If you feel stuck in a rut, then try some (or all) of these things to break yourself free:

Get moving – yes, staying still is staying stuck; moving is getting unstuck! Look for the positives – when you do this, you’ll open the door to opportunities. Start small – you don’t necessarily need to make a big jump; instead, you can make small changes that create an unstoppable forward trend.

Creativity Gives You Freedom to Mess Up

I love that quote, as it cleverly demonstrates that creativity is all about experimentation. And, experimentation often means making mistakes! If you’ve ever watched a graphic designer at work, you’ll notice one thing: they’re constantly changing things until they get the look and feel that they desire. That’s how most creative people work. They keep trying new and different things until they have that aha moment. So how about you?  Are you currently afraid to try new things? Perhaps because you’re worried about losing face?  If you are, then you’re holding back your creative potential. To unleash it, I recommend throwing caution to the wind and pushing yourself through your self-created mental barriers. Once you’ve learned to have thoughts and ideas that are free from your current conditioning, then you’ll have learned the secret to living a creative life. We all have creativity within us. And, by adopting the suggestions above, you can tap into this hidden force for good. When you do that, your life will take on a new trajectory — one that leads to happiness, fulfillment and success. Featured photo credit: William Iven via