Writing by hand is an art. We have a personal connection to our individual styles and techniques for creating what appears before us; whereas, tapping a screen or keyboard creates virtual, uniform text that lacks personality. Sure, some fonts are more spirited and festive while others lean toward a more professional appeal. But with any digital font, each letter looks the same no matter how many times it appears on the screen.

Benefits of Handwritten To-Do Lists

It may take us longer to hand write anything than to type it, but for many, the benefits of scribbling on things like Post-it® Notes or calendars far outweigh those of typing up a list or using organizational apps. More Memorable If you’re jotting down brief reminders throughout the day, just the physical action of writing a note can help cement the task in your brain. Sticky notes are extra convenient because you are able to place them anywhere, from the bathroom mirror to your front door, to help you stay on target. With apps, you waste more time setting reminder notifications than if you’d just stick a note nearby. Feeling of Accomplishment Doesn’t it feel amazing to physically cross off tasks you’ve completed? There’s something rewarding about drawing that bold line through one of your to-dos and knowing you’ve been productive. This feeling of accomplishment not only makes you feel great about what you’ve already done, it provides a lot of positive momentum as you move onto other tasks. Of course productivity apps allow users to check items off their lists, but for many, the feeling of reward just isn’t quite achieved by tapping a screen. Fewer Distractions Technology may be a blessing, but it’s also a curse. Creating handwritten lists allows you to avoid irrelevant websites, apps, or activities that are known for straying you from the task at hand. The only distraction you may need to resist is the urge to doodle. Color Code Priorities Notepads, Post-its, and other organizational paper products come in all shapes, sizes, and colors to help you stay on task. Small, narrow sticky flags are particularly useful when studying. Match colors with subjects to create a more organized study routine—use green to mark your biology textbook, pink for math, or different colors for subtopics. Students can also check out this article for more information on using Post-it® Notes for school. Color-coded notes can be used as a brainstorming method to create business charts. They work well when organizing a tangible project management system, since you can color code tasks according to importance and move each note individually to track your progress. Learning Experience If you’re teaching a foreign language to someone young or old, notecards are the way to go. They’re ideal for mastering everyday vocabulary. Stick them on the desk, window, closet, pencil sharpener, and other items throughout the room so your tutee is constantly exposed to the language.

Nevertheless, handwritten notes are ideal for personal organization and productivity. They’re a necessity for adding a unique, personal touch to every office desk and home, and they can help you stay on task and organized throughout your day. Don’t give up on your habit of writing by hand! From studying to sending handwritten notes, show off your style with a little bit of handwritten flair.