The true purpose and reason behind why you are called towards the entrepreneurial journey is to uncover and use your hidden talents. Each of us has an innate set of talents that are integral to our success as an entrepreneur. On a deeper level, the entrepreneurial journey is really about uncovering and developing your hidden talents. Often our natural talents are hidden or repressed because it isn’t safe or acceptable to reveal these talents in our society, culture or family environments. So we hide them to stay safe and feel loved. However, the truth is, you were given these talents and born into situations that don’t necessarily nurture these talents because you were put here to make an impact and change the world in some way. To truly be able to make a change and impact on the world you must go through a series of tests. They are tests to prepare you to build the rock-solid foundation you will need to become a successful entrepreneur. To truly be successful on your entrepreneurial journey you have to reveal and accept your talents at the root level which is the family, cultural and immediate society from which you were born. Once you are able to reveal and express these talents at the root level you will begin to blossom and make a bigger impact on the world with your mission. It isn’t until your fears are healed around your hidden talents at the root level that you will truly be able to create the success you desire as an entrepreneur. Essentially, your mission is to uncover and develop your hidden talents into strengths so you can dive deeper into your purpose and who you really are at the core. Once you combine your technical skills with facing your fears and removing the emotional blocks that get in the way, your success will become inevitable.