1. Cut processed foods out of your diet.

Fruits, veggies, unprocessed whole grains, and lean meats should be the only things you eat. This helps your body recover from some of the junk food you’ve been eating (don’t worry, we all do it!). By removing highly processed foods from your diet, you’re also cutting out excess fat, sodium, sugar, and, often, ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup. Unprocessed food will cleanse your body and leave you feeling awake and alert (and might just help you shed some pounds in the process).

2. Drink green tea.

Green tea is full of antioxidants which help speed up your metabolism. It also hydrates your body very effectively, and can help prevent diseases such as the common cold. Sipping on green tea even once every day can have you reaping the benefits.

3. Do stretching exercises.

Stretching, especially stretching that involves holding one pose for a long time, such as in yoga, can help oxygen flow through your body, thus aiding in the detox process. After even a short session, you’ll feel loose and relaxed.

4. Sweat.

More intense exercise, like cardio, can do wonders for your body. We all know exercise is good for us, but what you might not know is that it helps your body rid itself of toxins. Sweating can release some of these toxins and draw them out through your skin.

5. Drink tons of water.

Water can flush unwanted toxins out of your body. By drinking a lot of water, you can expedite the detox process. This will also lead to other benefits, such as better skin and a slimmer waistline.

6. Meditate once a day.

Toxins can exist in the mind, too. Mediation is a great way to relax and let your mind wander. Once a day, perhaps after you wake up in the morning, meditate for at least 15 minutes. Sit up straight and try to empty your mind. Afterwards, you’ll feel calm and relaxed. Making this a daily habit will contribute to your long term happiness and help keep the toxins at bay.

7. Go for a steam.

Going to a sauna can do wonders for the detox process. It’s very relaxing, and the sweating draws toxins out of your body. Just make sure to rehydrate after you’re done, as steams can leave your body with a lot less moisture than it had going in.

8. Get regular.

If you’re not regularly using the restroom, then your body is holding onto toxins that it shouldn’t be holding on to. If you’re having a consistent problem using the bathroom regularly, then it might be time to get a laxative or talk to your doctor about possible problems associated with this issue.

9. Take deep breaths.

You can do this anytime, anywhere. At various points throughout the day, take some slow, deep breaths. This allows your body to get the oxygen it needs, and will keep you awake and energized. Deep breathing helps clear the mind and the body.

10. Don’t smoke or drink.

This can be hard, but smoking and drinking just supply the body with more toxins. In order to detox fully, you should cut these things out of your life. Not only will this help keep toxins away, but it will also make you healthier. Smoking can lead to serious respiratory problems, and drinking introduces sugars and fattening substances to the body. It also damages the liver if done for too long. Featured photo credit: Brittney Bush Bollay via flickr.com