Do you go to bed, close your eyes and blissfully sleep for 7 hours? Or do you toss and turn for hours getting more and more anxious as the time for your wake-up call quickly approaches? If you’re part of the latter group, I feel for you. For years, I almost felt like a vampire, wide awake at night, but horribly exhausted during the day. The moment I went to bed, my mind was filled with tons of ideas about my business and life, which made it impossible to make my brain, well, shut up long enough to fall asleep. I was constantly moody, had headaches, felt depleted and more and more unhappy. I need sleep better. Lots of it and when I don’t get it, life just seems less glamorous, less exciting and less fulfilling. That’s why I went on a little discovery tour to find out what might help my sleep-deprived body and mind. I tried all the conventional and supposedly miraculous tips for a healthy sleep. I went to bed at the same time every single night, I exercised every day, I avoided alcohol and caffeine, I even drank warm milk at night. Yet nothing worked. Until I watched a German TV show during a particularly sleepless night. It must’ve been destiny because I never, and I really mean, never watch German TV. They talked about insomnia and all the horrible things it does to your mind and then they shared a tip that would change my life. Are you ready for it?

Make your bedroom a No Gadget Zone

That’s it. That’s the whole secret that has drastically changed my life and freed me of all my sleeping problems. Ever since I stopped having my iPhone on the nightstand I’ve been sleeping peacefully and through the night. It’s incredible how calm my mind gets when I stop using gadgets about an hour before I go to bed. Everything relaxes and I’m able to let go and give in to sleep naturally. So, what am I doing with the all time I now have before I go to bed? I read wonderful, relaxing books. I journal about my day, my dreams and hopes. I mediate from time to time to let go of all anxieties and stress. I stay away from work and TV. Everything I do is tied to me having a good night’s sleep. You should try it. It’s simply miraculous. Need more ideas to help you sleep? Try this related article: 19 Ways To Fall Asleep fast Featured photo credit:  beautiful young woman via Shutterstock