The perfect way to open a conversation? Ask a question! However, don’t fall into the generalization trap. Asking someone: “How are you?” will garner the automatic “fine” and your conversation ends as if a door slammed in your face. Asking the same person how their daughter did at her recent poetry slam will elicit a positive response because by showing your knowledge of them, you’re showing you care. And they will be more than happy to offer details of their life event. For a complete stranger who you know nothing about, take cues from what they’re doing to start a conversation. Are they jamming to music? Ask them about their favorite band. Are they drinking a trendy cocktail? Ask them if it is worth trying one yourself. Make eye contact and listen to their words. Follow-up questions should be based on what they tell you. Find common ground to keep your conversation flowing. Always maintain a light-hearted sense of humor. It makes people feel good. People will remember the person who made them laugh more than the one who bemoaned their ex. Face-to-face conversations are becoming a lost art form. Practise striking up a conversation by learning how to ask questions the right way to help you gain popularity and success.