Pacific Shaving Company already has a unique line of products available, but their caffeinated shaving cream and after shave really takes the cake. Not only does their shaving cream give you a comfortable, smoother shave, but it’s safe, natural and provides a nice a caffeine kick to boot. Why caffeine? Well, it’s high in antioxidants and helps to reduce skin redness. Make sure to watch around the 1:35 mark for a short lesson on the other benefits of caffeine and why it makes these products even better. Shaving creams are already meant to help you look better, but Pacific Shaving Company’s caffeinated shaving products will help you feel better as well. If you want to be one of the first to try these products, you can purchase one of their affordable Perks on Indiegogo. Also be sure to share the campaign to help get the word out. Caffeinated Shaving Products – Pacific Shaving Company | Indiegogo