One company in France has set out to change all that, touting their colorful – almost flippant! – selection of customized tombstones. This is certainly one way to celebrate a person’s life once they are gone. Here is a small gallery of just a few examples of custom gravestones they make. There are dozens more displayed on their website, including design ideas that appear to have never (yet) been implemented.

And here is one design concept that I don’t think they have yet built, but it would be just the trick for someone like me who loves to go “rendonné” in the mountains.

Do any of these appeal to you? What design would you want your monument to feature once you are gone – once that is all that is left for future generations to remember you by?

These Customized Tombstones Celebrate Life - 1These Customized Tombstones Celebrate Life - 98These Customized Tombstones Celebrate Life - 70These Customized Tombstones Celebrate Life - 24