Legal advisors usually work in law firms or act as a part of a legal counsel team hired by companies and enterprises for their expertise on legalities. Company leaders and CEOs usually ask advice from them in the aspect of legalities before the company takes a step further. In other words, a legal advisor assists in helping their clients arrive at a right decision.

Requirements of Being a Lawyer

A person interested in becoming a lawyer has to have a Master’s Degree in Law after he or she graduates from any Pre-Law Bachelor’s Degree course or any course related in the same field. Upon finishing the Master’s Degree in Law, the graduate still have to pass the national bar exam in order to acquire state licensure and have the word attorney attached to his or her name. The entire process of becoming a lawyer is quite lengthy which makes the position very prestigious in our society.

A legal advisor’s job is to make sure that their clients does not encounter any legal implications or suffer from consequences due to illegalities. Their role in companies and organizations is very crucial because they dictate the plan of action under any circumstances and specifically legal battles against other parties. Legal advisors are also tasked as spokespersons to mediate disputes and are required to oversee a contract signing including professional advisor for corporate management.

There are a lot of situations in life wherein you are going to need the help of a legal advisor. The biggest strengths of a legal advisor aside from his or her expertise in the law are communication and mediation skills. Whenever you need to settle a dispute, then that is when a legal advisor would come in handy. Their judgment skill is also very important to help you take a course of action that would lead to the right decision. Whenever you are trying to come up with an agreement with a different party, then you would also need to let a legal advisor to draft a proposal in your behalf. The proposal that he or she is going to draft covers all of the legalities involved in the agreement that includes the consequences punishable by law, once one of the parties involved failed to follow what was agreed upon. There are many more situations wherein you need the help of a legal advisor but the examples given above are only two of the most common ones.


If you happen to be interested in becoming a legal advisor then this article should be helpful to you. Just keep in mind that the process is lengthy and not that easy. However, if you are patient and diligent enough in order to achieve your goal then the dream of becoming a legal advisor would not be impossible. There will be a lot of obstacles along the way and seeing the Constitution alone would already be discouraging. As long as you stay true and firm towards your goal then getting to know all the state and Federal laws will come easy. Featured photo credit: McCloskey Law Office via