Take Manoj, who had no money and a passion for learning. Working selling scrap paper, he would read anything he could lay his hands on. It was his dream to learn and he made it happen, despite the odds. Sometimes it looks like there is no way towards our dreams or goals, no way out. But if we believe and follow our intuition, and if we do just one small thing a day to move us towards it, whatever we can manage, they are made possible. Sometimes things look bad, and to a man who has never even been to school, who is stuck in a dead-end job with no money, it would look hopeless at best. And yet, Manoj found a way to choose – to choose his dream. I love this message because it encourages those who already have their dream to reach out and support others. This encourages us all to believe in each other and build each other up, even if their dream does seem impossible at the time. Potential for greatness can be seen even in someone selling scrap paper… So don’t give up on your dream. This ad was provided by the ICICI who helps disadvantaged people in India build a foundation and develop their careers when they otherwise could not. They lend the books. The people make the dreams.