1. I Can Bring My Passion With Me Wherever I Go

You don’t have to only be passionate about the things you love in life. Instead, you can choose to be a passionate person who brings passion everywhere you go. Behave passionately whether you’re cleaning up garbage or speaking to an auditorium full of people.

2. I Control My Attitude

A lot of things in life aren’t within your control. You can’t control your past, how other people behave, or how the world works. You can, however, choose to control your attitude about it. Choosing to have a positive attitude when things go wrong speaks volumes about your character.

3. I Can Find a Way to Make Things Work

A motivational belief that keeps you from giving up can help you gain success in all areas of your life. Often, things don’t go the way we want the first time around. Sometimes, it takes many attempts to get things right. If you resolve to find a way to make things work you’ll look for strategies to overcome obstacles until you reach your goal.

4. Hurt and Pain Make Me Stronger

Hurt and pain are inevitable in life. If you waste time complaining that life isn’t fair or you try to play the role of a victim, you won’t reach your full potential in life. Use the pain and hurt you’ve experienced to become a stronger person. When you’ve experienced deep sorrow, you’ll truly be able to appreciate joy.

5. I Have the Power to Make Things Happen

Believe in your ability to get things done. Never underestimate your potential and you’ll amaze yourself when you see how capable you are. Whether you’re at work, at home, or in a relationship, remind yourself that you aren’t helpless and that you have the power to make things happen.

6. I Am a Product of My Choices

You aren’t defined by your circumstances. Instead, you’re defined by the choices you choose to make. If you choose to make good choices, even when you find yourself in bad circumstances, you’ll find out exactly how powerful you are.

7. I Have a Lot to be Grateful For Every Day

Dwelling on what you don’t have in life won’t get you anywhere. Focusing on your gratitude and recognizing how fortunate you are, however, can help you stay focused on what’s important in life. Looking at how much you have to be grateful for will also prevent you from feeling jealous of other people’s success.

8. I Have the Opportunity to Try Anything

Today’s world offers you endless opportunities. If you don’t like your job, get a new one. If you don’t like where you live, move somewhere else. Recognize that you have an opportunity to do anything you want in life.

9. I Must Stay Committed to See Results

Change doesn’t happen overnight. Adopting a motivational belief that reinforces the need for commitment can help you to stay on track even when you don’t see immediate results. Whether you’re saving money to pay off debt or trying to lose weight, it takes time and hard work to reach your goals.

10. I Can Learn From My Failures

Failure is a part of life and is often a necessary step toward eventual success. Resolve to learn from your failures and get better. Don’t give up trying and don’t repeat the same mistakes. Instead, use your failures to help you reach success.