1. Peppermint Oil

One of the causes of snoring is inflammation in the nostril’s inner membranes. This can be reduced using peppermint. This natural herbal remedy has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in reduction of inflammation in the nostril. Snoring that happens due to nasal congestion can be treated using peppermint. All you need to do is to pour a few drops of peppermint oil on your fingers and then rub slowly on both sides of your nose. Alternatively, you can inhale peppermint oil steam by putting peppermint oil in hot water and inhaling it.

2. Olive Oil

Olive oil is also good for treating snoring. This natural remedy works in treating snoring caused by presence of excessive tissues at the back of the throat. If this is the case, one can sip a little olive oil, which works to keep the tissues moistened. This works to reduce friction when the tissues get into contact with each other, thus naturally stopping snoring for there will be smooth movement of air.

3. Ginger

Ginger is one of the leading natural remedies for curing snoring. As a natural cure, ginger has various properties that make it the perfect remedy for stopping snoring. Alongside these properties, it acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. Another important function of ginger is that it increases saliva secretion, which is quite important in soothing the throat, thus getting rid of snoring. If you add honey to ginger, you will make this natural herbal remedy more effective for it will lubricate the tissues in the throat and open up the nasal cavity to allow for smooth air flow. To enjoy the ginger health benefits you should then add some honey.

4. Sage 

Sage is popularly known for its anti-diabetic and anti-hypertensive functions. Apart from these functions, this herbal is also a good anti-inflammatory agent that can work very well to reduce inflammation and mucus congestion in the nasal cavity. This makes it good in reducing snoring for a person who snores because of mucus congestion. Its anti-inflammatory properties are quite important in treating snoring.

5. Nettle Leaf Tea

Another natural remedy for snoring is nettle leaf tea. You can use this natural remedy to stop snoring since the leaves are antihistamines. One of the reasons why people snore is due to inflammation caused by allergies or infections such as sinusitis or cold. As an antihistamine, the nettle leaf will inhibit the release of histamines, thus helps in reducing congestion in the respiratory tract. By inhibiting the release of these inflammatory substances triggered by allergens, nettle leaf tea will aid in stopping snoring.

6. Mint Tea

Mint tea is also a natural herbal remedy that you can use to stop snoring. Mint tea has menthol, which helps in the reduction of mucus from the lungs. With mucus reduced from the lungs, there will be smooth airflow thus stopping snoring. The mint is also helpful in reducing inflammation along air passageways. Taking a cup of mint tea daily is a measure to getting rid of snoring nights.


The above mentioned are the top natural remedies that you can use to stop snoring. They are all easy to find and you can obtain them easily. (Please be wary of allergies and consult a physician if you’re taking medication and want to try some of these.) Featured photo credit: Billboard Health via billboardhealth.com