Understand what happiness is

You cannot consider yourself happy if you do not know what happiness means. Many people cannot see the distinguishing lines between happiness and unhappiness. They tend to blame their predicament on poor relationships, spiteful relatives, and unpleasant experiences. No one should be unhappy. It is an option. It is a choice that you can make. It starts with making that choice when good or awful things happen to you.

Take away the negativity in your life

What is making you unhappy? Learn to determine what is making you unhappy. It could be that you are working in a job that you don’t really love. Or it could be that the people you are surrounded with are people you don’t really like. Whether you are in an unhealthy relationship, doing a job you don’t like, or surrounded with negative people always find the factors causing your unhappiness and get rid of them.

Look for the positive things in your life

Once negative energy is thrown out of the door, try looking for the positive things in your life. Those things may not be obvious, but they are there. It may be in spending time in solitude, having a healthy body, or having a supportive partner. There is always something that should be worth your positive attention. No matter how awful things may look, always do well to find a good angle to it.

Appreciate the present

Most times, what can be sapping our positive energy and happiness could be that we are worrying so much about the future. It is understandable that we live in a world where it is impossible not to think about the future and look back at the past. But all this falls on a perspective. Our perspective about being happy and blessed is to focus on the now. The present has all the wonders to offer. Why dwell on things we cannot control?

Create a plan to be happy

When you have started taking those mini steps to gain direction to reach happiness, you have to stick to a routine or a plan that works best for you and makes you happy. There should be no excuses, detours, or self-doubts. Whatever your plan may be, whether it is staying fit or doing charity work, make sure that you understand what you are going to gain from the end goal. Understanding this will keep your spirit pumped up and positive.

Be active in positive activities

Many people procrastinate and practice wishful thinking. However, having a plan and a dream is not enough. You have to be active and pursue your genuine desires. You should understand that work has to be put forth in order to become happy. Featured photo credit: http://www.stokpic.com via stokpic.com