is available on the web, on iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, and with a Mac client coming soon and is a full-featured GTD task management app. I’m not all about making a system into a GTD system; I’d rather have a system that was built with GTD in mind and that is why we will be taking a look at and how it stands as a full project and action management solution.

First Impressions

One thing that I noticed right off the bat was that the app seemed very slow when accessing online. I tried Safari, Firefox, and Chrome with none of them being noticeably faster. It looks like the developers need to work on the speed of the web app. I found that the beta version was much slower than the “older” version of the app. Where lacks in speed and looks the app makes up for it in organization and work flow. Actions and projects are easily added to your lists and applying context and projects to tasks is easy as well. Scheduling tasks for a specific due date works well and adding repeats and reminders is just a click away. The one thing that I can’t wrap my head around is how the inbox is handled. My idea was once you added a context or a project to a task that the task should be removed from the inbox and be considered “processed”. This isn’t the case. It appears that you have to either schedule or move the task to Someday or Waiting for to get it out of the inbox. Not necessarily the most intuitive thing, but once you get the workflow down, it shouldn’t be that big of a problem.

Features is absolutely full featured and I would consider it to have almost everything that a GTD practitioner would want in a system including:

Cross platform goodness (available on the web, Windows (Mac coming soon), iOS, and Android Creating tasks with context, due date, repeats, reminders, and project criteria Allows for totally separate projects to sort by A nice calendar view to see when stuff is due Ability to create custom tags and contexts Full sync with web, Windows, Android and iOS clients

The only real feature that is missing for this GTD geek is the start date field. I have confessed my love for start dates before, and without them my system starts to feel weak. For some this may not matter at all though.

Mobile Apps

The app syncs very quickly and gives the user the option to sync after a certain amount of time or even a “Real-time Data Uploading” feature. This pushes the updates directly to the server as you make them on the device. The developers of have made a compelling UI and experience for the mobile apps. In fact, I prefer the mobile apps over the web app.


Like a said before, searching for better GTD apps can turn into an unhealthy obsession. Us GTD geeks like to look for new shiny tools more than we like to use them. I have drawn my line in the ground with OmniFocus, mostly because if I could I would change my tool every week. But, if you are a GTD practitioner or a new GTD wannabe and are in need of a cross platform, full featured, task and project management app, is extremely compelling. Plus the app is free online and in the respective app stores. Try it out and see for yourself. While you are at it, let us know what you think in the comments section.

Web App Review  Doit im Brings a Cross Platform GTD Experience To The Masses - 92Web App Review  Doit im Brings a Cross Platform GTD Experience To The Masses - 55Web App Review  Doit im Brings a Cross Platform GTD Experience To The Masses - 17