Look at the bizarre habits of some of these highly successful people:

One of Japan’s greatest inventors, Yoshiro Nakamatsu, deliberately starved his brain to visualize a new invention; he would risk putting himself near death situations just to birth new creations.

Ludwig Van Beethoven, developed his musical ideas while taking showers. Anton Schindler, one of his students who later became his secretary shared that his teacher would stand at “his washstand and pour large pitchers of water over his hands, bellowing up and down the scale or sometimes humming loudly to himself.”

Thomas Edison, took only naps when he is in the roll. He only slept a minimum of three hours each night when he’s up to something.

Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, when still working at Google, slept on her desk to maximize waking hours. She also has to get “strategic” with taking showers. Original Source: 9 Weird Things Highly Successful People Do To Be More Creative | DRAKE BAER via Business Insider Featured photo credit: 63H/Bells Design via gratisography.com

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