Here are 9 creative ways to get you started.

1. Write Creative Notes To Him

Sometimes finding the right words to say when you want to say something from the heart can be daunting. Make the process fun and flirtatious so that it helps you to let him know how you feel about him. Don’t be afraid to add a funny picture into the note – something that will surprise him and make him laugh.

2. Let Him Be Independent

Being in a relationship is not about needing to be stuck with one another 24/7. Be OK with him following his own interests and going out with his friends. Showing him that you trust him will raise his appreciation and trust in you and your relationship.

3. Encourage Him To Follow His Dreams

Support him to achieve the things that he wants to do in his life. By helping him and trusting him to see his potential and not holding him back tells him that you care and love him. This is something that will also help to strength your relationship and his love for you.

4. Make A Note Of The Little Things That He Enjoys

Take note of the little things that he likes or does such as, how he takes his coffee, what he likes watching/reading etc. These little things show him that you are interested in him and care about him and they add value and meaning to a relationship, as the little things count.

5. Tell Him That You Love Him And How He Makes You Feel

Don’t get caught up in assumptions that he knows how you feel about him. By letting your man know how you feel about him and how he makes you feel will boost his self confidence and let him know that he’s loved and appreciated by you.

6. Cook Or Bake Him His Favorite Meal/Cake

They say ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’, so cook or bake him his favorite meal or cake. This will make him feel special at the thought of this, as he knows that you have gone through all this trouble just for him.

7. Wear Something That You Know He Loves Seeing You In

Wearing an outfit that you know he loves seeing you in, will not only make you feel special but it will make him feel like he is the only man. His confidence and love for you will be raised when he knows that you have made an effort to dress up for his eyes only.

8. Compliment Him On The Things That You Love About Him

Tell him the things that you love about him and the things that you appreciate when he does them for you.  By giving him positive encouragement, you will be giving him the reassurance of how you feel about him and making him feel cherished and valued.

9. Talk To Him About The Things That Are Worrying You

Give him the opportunity to be your knight in shining armor. Seek his advise by sharing the things in your life that you are worried about. He will love the chance to be able to be there for you and show you how much he cares and wants to protect you and take your pain away. Featured photo credit: Brandon Warren via