Bruce DeBoer at Synthesis has written a fantastic article on creativity. It surely answered many questions on what makes one creative, and it also answered my question – am I borned with creativity or developed by education and environment – I used to think it’s former but it is definitely the latter which has more weights than former: Usually I won’t quote two sections but here is what I like (as a geek): When do we begin to fear our own creativity? I believe it is the point at which we began to market ourselves. True creativity is deeply personal because we have to create new streams – new run-off paths in our souls. Risking creative rejection is terrifying. It’s rejection that cuts so deep it’s worse than a High School crush laughing when you finally get the nerve to ask her to the movies (I digress, forgive me). Creativity takes courage. Being vulnerable takes guts. Needed is a willingness to be rejected for what is among the most personal of expressions. The stakes are high… I like these formulas – I am going to stick them on my office cubical wall. Creativity x Craft x Emotion = Art Creativity x Craft x Function = Innovation […] However flawed you may find these equations; my point is that emotion and function are the human relational elements to art and innovation. Without emotion, art appears dry and mechanical. Without function, innovation is pure Rube Goldberg. Craft is the vehicle of creativity. Crafting the creativity allows the emotion and function to “sing” … What makes me creative? – [Synthesis via Slacker Manager]