But if we think about the words “bucket list” what comes to mind? It makes me think of someone who has their best years behind them, and is trying to capture a little bit more life before their time on this planet is gone. They’re probably still having fun, but they can’t help but think they wish they had done all of these things while they were younger and able to enjoy them more. It makes me think of someone who has no sense of urgency or accomplishment. They’re trying to achieve these things “before they die.” It’s no secret that we are best motivated to accomplish things when we have a deadline. What kind of deadline is before we die? That, and I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have some of the best experiences of my life when I’m not able to enjoy them and when I’m worried about how much money I have left to live on. I’m one of those people who has a vision that there’s always a better way to do things, and there’s definitely a better way to do the bucket list. So that’s why I recommend a different way to think about the bucket list.

A way that allows you to enjoy the most awesome experiences of your life thoroughly A way that pushes you to excel while you’re young A way that will allow you to lead a lifetime of achievement And a way that won’t leave you wondering if you can complete everything you want to do while you’re still alive

Enter, the “Life List”

A life list is a bucket list, turned on its ugly head. You strive to complete it before a certain point in your life, such as before the age of 30, 35, or 40 or maybe in the next three years – not before you die. You can set your own goal. This completely changes your mindset about the accomplishments within. Instead of putting these amazing experience off until you’re old and decrepit, you go after them full throttle now. You push yourself to the level of success that is required for you to make enough money to carry out these dreams. And when you’re done, you do it all over again, and you do it even better than you did before. You continue to improve yourself and your life, and when you finally do come to the end of your rope, you’ve lived an amazing life full of amazing experiences. You have no regrets, and you have a lifetime of achievement to look back on. You accomplished all of this because you didn’t wait until you were about to die to have the most amazing experiences of your life. You made a life list, you went after it, and you lived the life of your dreams.

Go, Create Your Life List

If you already have a bucket list, take that “before you die” deadline and change it to the next three years, the next five years, or some feasible period of time that isn’t before you die. If you don’t, sit down and create one.  (Ed: We’re building Listible to help you create lists) Figure out all of those things you want to do before you die. Think big. Push yourself. Envision a life of success that will allow you to get there. Now push yourself to figure out how you’re going to make it all happen. And live the life of your dreams. Your thoughts: Do you still think each of us should have a bucket list? Featured photo credit:  rope jumping via Shutterstock